The Study Hall

Habits for Academic Success

Happy 2024! The New Year always brings a mix of emotions. You might feel happy for a fresh start and eager to get back to learning, but you might also suddenly feel aware that your exams are only a few months away. So, which habits can you start now to improve your grades in the following months?

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GCSE, Revision, KS3, KS4, KS5, University, A Level Lottie Ingham GCSE, Revision, KS3, KS4, KS5, University, A Level Lottie Ingham

How to Revise Like an A* Student

So, you want to revise like an A* student? Why not become an A* student (yes, it’s totally possible). Revision can be a bore but it doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’ve ever heard of the ‘compound effect’ you’ll know that small, consistent actions add up to BIG results. It works the same way with revision. Cramming is not the most effective method but following these steps will guarantee progress in all your subjects.

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English, English Language, GCSE, Year 10, Year 11, KS4 Lottie Ingham English, English Language, GCSE, Year 10, Year 11, KS4 Lottie Ingham

How to Ace Your English Language GCSE

English Language is a really important subject and you’ll need to pass in order to continue on at college, sixth form or an apprenticeship. English Language teaches you important skills for life like writing reports and letters, analysis of text, speaking and listening, and understanding written communication. Here are some tips to ace your English Language exams.

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How to Ace English Literature

English Literature can seem tedious and even pointless at times, but it teaches us a lot about history, the human condition, sociology, politics, and much more. It also encourages us to build transferrable skills like analysis, building an argument/debate, linking points, and understanding different perspectives. With all that said, sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start, so here are my top tips for getting top marks in English Literature.

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