Marking & Feedback

from £4.25

Whether you would like a set of questions marked, some feedback on a recent essay, or some pointers on how to improve your next assignment, Marking and Feedback is the perfect option for those looking for detailed feedback and suggestions on how to refine and enhance their work.

You will receive a marked digital version of your work and a report with what you have done well at and the areas you need to improve on. You may also receive a number mark and a grade (if possible). Overall notes will also be included, with advice on where to focus next.

Please note: if you would like an exam paper or extended essay assignment marked (1500 words or more), please choose the Exam & Extended Coursework Marking service.

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Whether you would like a set of questions marked, some feedback on a recent essay, or some pointers on how to improve your next assignment, Marking and Feedback is the perfect option for those looking for detailed feedback and suggestions on how to refine and enhance their work.

You will receive a marked digital version of your work and a report with what you have done well at and the areas you need to improve on. You may also receive a number mark and a grade (if possible). Overall notes will also be included, with advice on where to focus next.

Please note: if you would like an exam paper or extended essay assignment marked (1500 words or more), please choose the Exam & Extended Coursework Marking service.

Whether you would like a set of questions marked, some feedback on a recent essay, or some pointers on how to improve your next assignment, Marking and Feedback is the perfect option for those looking for detailed feedback and suggestions on how to refine and enhance their work.

You will receive a marked digital version of your work and a report with what you have done well at and the areas you need to improve on. You may also receive a number mark and a grade (if possible). Overall notes will also be included, with advice on where to focus next.

Please note: if you would like an exam paper or extended essay assignment marked (1500 words or more), please choose the Exam & Extended Coursework Marking service.

Your mark, grade, and feedback will be returned to you within 48 hours of us receiving your work. Please do not send us work that is due earlier than this timeframe, as we cannot guarantee feedback and grades before the given time.

For exam papers, practice papers or longer pieces of coursework (over 1500 words), please purchase our Exam and Extended Coursework Marking service.