How to Relax During Exam Season

As half term draws to a close, it can be difficult to know how to relax in between exams. You may even feel you don’t have time to relax but it’s important to look after yourself and recharge, so that you can smash those next assessments!

Here are my top tips for relaxing during exam season:

1. Cuddle a pet

Did you know that cuddling a pet (particularly dogs) lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) for both you and your pet? If you don’t own a pet, see if you can find a friend with a friendly pooch or visit your local rescue centre. Always make sure to get the owner’s permission first!

2. Read a book (just not one from your course!)

Reading for pleasure can reduce your stress levels and it helps improve focus, memory and communication. Find a book in a genre you love and read a chapter every night. If you’re not a fan of reading, try listening to an audiobook or podcast.

3. Get a good night’s sleep

Exam stress and anxiety often manifests most at night which means sleep can be harder to come by. However, studies show that your brain functions better after 6-8 hours of sleep a night. If you’re struggling to maintain this, try taking a 20-minute nap mid-afternoon.

4. Get some fresh air & move your body

Being locked up in your room for hours on end studying for the duration of exam season isn’t healthy. Make sure you take regular breaks and you move your body, whether that’s going for a run, dancing around the kitchen, playing a sport or walking round the block. Fresh air also helps to clear your mind and leaves you rejuvenated for your next study session.

5. Watch your favourite movie / TV show

Grab the popcorn, some soda and switch on your favourite movie or TV show. Get lost in a different world for a bit and let your brain recharge. Try not to choose something too binge-worthy that might cause procrastination or distraction (Stranger Things Season 4, we’re looking at you!) and don’t try studying with films or TV on in the background. Though you might feel like you can multi-task, your brain won’t be able to retain your revision material when there are too many other stimuli in the room.

6. Positive self-talk

It can be easy to fall into a negative mindset during exam season, where you feel overwhelmed and lose self-esteem. It’s important to be kind to yourself daily and think or speak of yourself as you would a best friend or family member. You could try morning affirmations where you consciously speak or think ‘I am…’ statements to help with a positive attitude (i.e., I am smart, I am valued, I am loved, I am worthy, etc.). You will still need to put in the hard work but having a positive mindset and being kind to yourself is a good start.

7. Do something you love

Try to do something you love every day, whether that’s reading a chapter of a book you enjoy, watching your favourite movie, playing a sport you love, meeting a friend, creating some art, playing a game, or anything else that helps you to forget about exams for a short time. Taking a break to do something you love is so important for your overall wellbeing and it can help your brain to start processing all the information from your revision into your long-term memory.

8. Meet a friend

Studying with a friend can be a useful revision exercise, as you’re able to teach each other and be there to support one another when the going gets tough. However, it is also beneficial to meet a friend just to hang out with away from the books and study notes. Go for a coffee, meet up at the movies or just walk around the park; get away from the grind and enjoy some social interaction!

9. Listen to music

Listening to music can improve your mood, help you relax and reduce stress. Take some time away from your notes and zone out for a bit with your favourite tracks.

10. Keep a journal

Write down your thoughts, anxieties and anything else on your mind in a journal. You could do this in the morning after you wake up or before bed. This is a good way to feel some release from your worries and it can also improve your writing and communication skills!

11. Take a bath

Soaking in the tub with a good book or watching the latest Netflix series can be a great way to switch off and relax for the evening. If you make a routine of bathing before bed, it will start to send signals to your brain that it’s nearly time for sleeping. This can help if you struggle with insomnia or getting to sleep during exam time.

12. Eat healthy and nutritious foods

Keeping a healthy diet during exam season is paramount for keeping your brain focused and clear. Eating too much junk food or sugary snacks can actually cause fatigue, poor decision-making and a lack of focus. This doesn’t mean you should cut out all junk food, but make sure you’re eating a balanced and nutritious diet.

13. Declutter your room / desk

Did you know that clutter in your room or on your desk can make your brain feel more overwhelmed? This can manifest itself through stress and anxiety. Take 5 minutes at the end of each day to tidy up your desk or workspace. This will help improve your concentration and lower your stress levels.

14. Keep hydrated

On average, we need 6-8 glasses of water or fluids a day. This includes tea, coffee, low-fat milk and sugar-free drinks. However, you should be careful with caffeinated drinks, as these can cause dehydration. If you’re not a fan of plain water, try adding a lemon or cucumber slice to your glass of water for a little extra flavour.

15. Disconnect from social media

Social media is a great way to connect with friends but it can also increase anxiety, paranoia, over-comparison, feelings of low self-esteem, low mood and more. Try doing a social media detox over the exam period to focus on yourself, your health and your studies or ensure you have some time away from social media each day. Remember: everyone’s journey is different and social media is only a highlight reel of everyone’s best bits. You’re doing great.

Even machines need switching off to recharge, so make sure you take some time away from the books to reset.

What do you do to relax during exam season? Let us know in the comments!

Lottie Ingham

Entrepreneur, Content Creator & Tutor

Lottie is the founder of two businesses and holds an MSc Management & BA Theatre & English Literature. She loves horror movies, reading, blogging, walks in nature and creating content online.


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