Answering Your Questions About Secondary School

Moving to secondary school can be daunting and you’ve probably got a lot of questions and worries about what to expect. Here are some answers to the most common questions asked by new year 7’s. Got anymore? Make sure to ask them in the comments below!

How do I make new friends?

The tip to this one is to be yourself. Don’t try too hard to ‘fit in’ or be someone you’re not. You’ll attract people like you, so find out people’s interests and what they’re most excited about in starting secondary school. Remember that everyone else in your year is in exactly the same position as you, so make conversations with as many people as you can.

What if I get lost?

Your teachers know that you’re new, so they’re likely to be more understanding in the first couple of weeks whilst you find your way around. However, make sure you give yourself plenty of time where possible to set off to your next class so that you don’t make a habit of being late. You’ll likely be given a map on your first day or there may be one in your school planner, but you can always ask a member of staff or an older student for directions if you’re struggling. You could even get to know the school layout during breaks and lunches if you have the time.

What if I don’t understand my subject content?

At secondary school, you will often have a teacher per subject who will be an expert in their area of teaching. Never be afraid to ask for help if you don’t understand something! Teachers know that many students are a bit behind due to the circumstances over the last year, so they will be more than happy to catch you up to speed. Don’t ever feel like you’re asking a ‘stupid’ question; if you aren’t sure about something, make sure you ask! It will help you develop your learning and it will pay off in the long term.

What if I don’t know anyone?

You won’t be the only one! Talk to other people in your class and get to know them. Forms (where you’ll register in the morning and afternoons) and classes often get mixed up anyway, so even those students that already know some of their peers are likely to be in a similar situation. Just be yourself and spark a conversation!

Who do I go to if I have a problem?

When you start, you’ll be given a form class where you’ll register every morning and afternoon and spend some ‘form time’. If you have a general enquiry, go to your form tutor. If you have a subject-specific question or you want to clarify something academic, ask your subject teacher. If you’re unsure, start with your form tutor and they can always refer you to another member of staff.

Secondary school is an exciting experience and it’s a chance for you to explore new subjects, make new friends, and find new hobbies. Make the most of your time there and don’t stress!

Do you have any more questions? Let us know in the comments below.

Lottie Ingham

Entrepreneur, Content Creator & Tutor

Lottie is the founder of two businesses and holds an MSc Management & BA Theatre & English Literature. She loves horror movies, reading, blogging, walks in nature and creating content online.


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