The 2023 Summer Reading Challenge is here! This challenge is designed to help you get back into the habit of reading, explore new genres, and improve your comprehension, creativity and concentration.

The full challenge consists of 25 categories of books (totalling 25 books read) over the course of the summer holidays (from mid-July to early-mid September), but you can adapt the challenge to your goals, ability and time given.

The 5 different levels you could challenge yourself with are:

Level 1 - The Student (5 books)

Become a top student with a wider vocabulary and a reinvigorated enjoyment in reading.

(Recommended for those who are getting back into reading or who have a shorter amount of time to invest in the challenge.)

Level 2 - The Scholar (10 books)

Take your reading to the next level and see how it impacts your comprehension and creative writing.

(Recommended for those who want to make reading a habit or who are hoping to improve their reading speed.)

Level 3 - The Savant (15 books)

Grow your mind, explore a variety of genres, and get the creative juices flowing.

(Recommended for those who want a more difficult challenge or who want to explore a wider variety of genres.)

Level 4 - The Sage (20 books)

Become a more confident reader, and build your understanding of how different types of books can impact your view of the world.

(Recommended for those who are more confident readers or who have more time to dedicate to the challenge.)

Level 5 - The Master (25 books)

Become a literary wizard! By completing the full challenge, you will improve your vocabulary, reduce your screen time, have a greater understanding of contexts, people and cultures, and feel more creative.

(Recommended for those who want a harder challenge or who are considering studying English Literature further (i.e., for A Level or at University).)


However many books you read, you’re making progress! Read at your own pace and commit to what you can. You can also listen to audiobooks if you learn better that way!

If you don’t have easy access to some of the suggestions in the challenge, feel free to switch in other genres or books you have at home.

We would love to see your progress in your reading challenge! Tag @lit_with_lottie or @_scholearn_ on Instagram, use the hashtag #2023SummerReadingChallenge or find us on any of our other social media channels.

Happy reading!

Lottie Ingham

Entrepreneur, Content Creator & Tutor

Lottie is the founder of two businesses and holds an MSc Management & BA Theatre & English Literature. She loves horror movies, reading, blogging, walks in nature and creating content online.


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