Will you reach your potential this exam season?

Helping students reach their full potential is at the heart of what we do. With expert tutoring services, marking and feedback, revision classes, and a vast array of free revision resources on offer, we’re here to help your child boost their grades and confidence, and put your mind at ease.


How does 1-2-1 tutoring work with Scholearn?

  1. Send us an enquiry

Drop us a line here or by emailing info@scholearn.co.uk detailing the subject(s) and level(s) you’re interested in, the key areas you would like help with, the tutor you’d like (if relevant), and the student’s first name.

2. Set up your account

Once you’ve sent your enquiry, you will be sent a welcome email and asked to set up an account with us via TutorCruncher, our third party business management system. Here, you will be able to access student reports, the online whiteboard, pay any invoices, write a review, or purchase tutoring packages.

3. We’ll match you with a tutor

Once we’ve processed your enquiry, we will send out your request to available and/or requested tutors. Here, they will get in touch with you to book a free meeting to discuss your needs further.

4. Book a free meeting

Book a time that works for you and your prospective tutor(s) to discuss your needs in detail, as well as get to understand how the tutor can help you. You can have multiple free meetings across different tutors until you find one that works for you! Free meetings are 10-15 minutes, and we ask that you please respect our tutors’ time by showing up as arranged. If you need to cancel, please let your tutor(s) know 12 hours in advance via our communications channel, Remind.

5. Happy learning!

At the end of your free meeting, book in a lesson or browse our list of packages on the ‘Packages’ tab in TutorCruncher; your tutor can help you schedule regular lessons or one-off sessions as required. If you have any questions, you can ask our tutors at any time via Remind or contact us at info@scholearn.co.uk.

All of our 1:1 lessons take place on our online whiteboard, which you will be introduced to during your free meeting, and a report will be written after each lesson, detailing the student’s progress, strengths, and areas for improvement. Payment will be taken after each lesson, unless you have purchased a package in advance.

6. Get £10 off your next lesson

Loving Scholearn? Refer us to a friend and once they’ve had their first 1:1 lesson, we will take £10 off your next tutoring session with us! And the best part? There is no limit to how many friends you can refer us to. Just drop us a line at info@scholearn.co.uk or through our contact form here, letting us know the referred parent and student’s name, as well as your own. Please note that we will validate this claim with the other party.

How can Scholearn help you?


Free Revision Resources

Explore our range of free revision resources for a variety of subjects. Whether you need to study up on content, practise exam questions or track your progress, we’ve got you. New resources are added daily so make sure you check back regularly!

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Study Hall Blog

Need a break from revision? Or looking for the best tips for school, college, revision, and university? Check out the Study Hall.


Book a Tutoring Session

Want a more personal approach to your learning? Book a tutoring session with one of our experienced tutors. You can also book a free meeting to see how our tutors can help you improve your learning.


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Homework Help

Want feedback on your homework or coursework before you submit it? Or just need some guidance to help you learn tricky concepts? See how we can help.

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Contact Us

Have a question, query, or quibble? Contact us here. We love receiving your thoughts and are always open to hearing your feedback.